Wrapping “The Reunion”

The Reunion was my first time working as an AD on a project. I knew what the role involved but had no experience beyond working closely with the AD’s on previous projects I’d worked on. I think I would have had a harder time if not for the fact I was working with a Producer who was on my previous shoot in which I was the Director. We did not have an AD on that project so by that nature we had divided the AD’s role between us when shooting.

The biggest change for me on this project compared to my previous projects was being entirely in charge of scheduling. I spent several evenings putting together a tight schedule that would allow us to film everything required within the allotted timeframe. It ended up working out well as we continuously remained on schedule and finished shoot days either on time or ahead enough on schedule we could work in some extra shots.


Wrapping “Commune”


Creating “The Buzz”