Wrapping “Commune”

The most challenging but rewarding five days of shooting I have ever done. Spent four out of five days shooting at a farm in remote Northern Scotland. These were eight hour shoot days out in the cold, wind and rain. Yet morale was always high and the whole cast and crew look back with nothing but positivity about the experience. Each day we were on set felt like we were a well oiled machine. Shots were set up efficiently, everyone knew what they were doing and the results were beyond what I could have hoped for.

That’s not to say though that the shoot was without challenge. A project of this scale with a team so small meant we had many obstacles to overcome. An example being our studio day we shot at screen academy. We ended up with a room a lot smaller than what was initially hoped for so had to throw out our entire proposed shot list for that day as we set up to shoot. Yet we ended the day on schedule and with all the footage we would need. This was due to having a team who all understood the creative vision of the project and could adapt and improvise because of this.


Wrapping “The Reunion”